5-6 March 2025 - Sandton Convention Centre
Home | Speakers | Simoné Eksteen, Clinical Pharmacist & Manager in the Independent Community Pharmacy Sector, South Africa

Simoné Eksteen, Clinical Pharmacist & Manager in the Independent Community Pharmacy Sector, South Africa

Simoné Eksteen is a B.Pharm graduate of North West University, Potchefstroom campus and a Primary Care Drug Therapy certificate with NDOH Section 22A15-permit holder. She has a passion for the identity of independent pharmacy.

She envisions the full appreciation of pharmacists’ knowledge as scientists and clinical skills by other members of the healthcare team, medical funders and our communities alike. She’s based at the pharmacy she literally grew up in as the third generation and fourth pharmacist: Eksteen Pharmacy, Barberton, rural Mpumalanga with seventeen years of experience and runs a dedicated vaccination service for babies and children.

Simoné has a heart for people and believes that a leadership position is an opportunity to serve others above self. She enjoyed overseeing the Campaigns Portfolio on the Independent Community Pharmacy Association (ICPA) Board of Directors. The annual Sunflower Campaign with DKMS-Africa was her favourite, raising awareness about blood stem cell donation.

On the ICPA Board, she served on the Executive Committee as Treasurer from 2017-2022. In 2018 she was voted best pharmacist in Mpumalanga. Other notable courses completed are Pharmacist Initiated Anti-Retroviral Therapy and Kamba Ya Shanga Asthma Management programme by the International Primary Care Respiratory Group (IPCRG). She served on the Adcock Ingram OTC Pain Advisory Board.

Simoné is working on a Masters in Pharmacy Practice at the University of Kwa-Zulu Natal. The research pertains primary healthcare indicators in community pharmacy with hypertension, diabetes mellitus and hypercholesterolemia as focus in low to middle-income countries She is a member of the Pharmaceutical Society of South Africa and International Pharmacy Federation where she participates in Insight Board discussions and featured in Pharmapreneur of the Week in the Canadian Healthcare Network Magazine.

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