Sandile Khamanga is an Associate Professor in Pharmaceutics and currently serves as the Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy at Rhodes University. He has more than 15 years of teaching and research experience. He completed a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and Chemistry at the University of Swaziland (ESwatini), a BPharm, MSc (Pharm) and a PhD in Pharmaceutics at Rhodes University. He has worked as an academic for close to 20 years.
His research interests are varied, but are primarily focused on advanced drug delivery systems, medicines registration in sub Saharan Africa, and theoretical and practical analysis of patient waiting time forecasting using statistical techniques. He says that there are many parts of his job that are extremely fulfilling. ‘In no particular order, it is very satisfying to interact with other health care professionals. Working with a great team of academics, and committed students has made my job so much easier’.
He has effectively delivered in various academic and leadership roles. He has supervised more than 35 MSc (Pharm) and PhD students to successful completion, all of whom are now further developing their careers in the different sectors of pharmacy. He has authored scientific papers, and presentations on the topics of pharmaceutical formulation, and biopharmaceutics. Externally he has numerous strategic leadership and advisory roles: an expert reviewer for clinical trials for SAHPRA, Chair of Heads of Schools of Pharmacy and Deputy Chair of the Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences of South Africa.
He is an internationally recognised pharmaceutical technology expert, evidenced by a call from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) to serve as a Quality Assurance Advisor in Bioequivalence of Pharmaceuticals.