25-26 March 2026 - Sandton Convention Centre
Home | Speakers | Jameel Kariem

Jameel Kariem

Jameel is a registered pharmacist and has several years’ experience in community pharmacy as well as other sectors of pharmacy. He qualified at UCT in 1989 with a BPharm degree. He is currently working as a responsible pharmacist and owner of Rondebosch East Pharmacy, Cape Town. The pharmacy has an active baby immunisation and family planning clinic. 

He is a member of FIP and served on the FIP global Policy committee on Point of Care Testing, as a contributor in 2022, and on the FIP global Insight Board on Point Care Testing as a contributor in 2023. He holds Certification in PIMART, Administration of immunizations & injections incorp ADR, & EPI vaccines, and Lumira-Dx Point of Care testing protocols.

He is a member of the PSSA and chairman of the Western Cape (CWP) branch of the PSSA for 2022/2023, as well as vice-president of the national SAACP sector of the PSSA for 2023. He is a member the Independent Community Pharmacy Association (ICPA) and currently serves on the Western Cape Committee of the ICPA. 

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