25-26 March 2026 - Sandton Convention Centre
Home | Speakers | Daphney Mokgadi Fafudi. Head of Regulatory Compliance at the South African Health Products Regulatory Authority (SAHPRA)

Daphney Mokgadi Fafudi. Head of Regulatory Compliance at the South African Health Products Regulatory Authority (SAHPRA)

Daphney is the Head of Regulatory Compliance at SAHPRA. She has 25 years’ experience as a Pharmacist in various sectors of Pharmacy ranging from clinical, medicines utilisation review, medicines regulation, pharmacy policy making. Her qualifications include B.Pharm, MSc in Pharmacy and MBA.

She actively partakes in matters relating to quality, safety and efficacy/performance of medical products including establishments compliance, personnel suitability at local, regional and global level. She manages the market surveillance and control function for health products.

The function mainly enforces compliance in terms of the Medicines and Related Substances Act, 101 of 1965, as amended, and includes control of import activities; monitoring the quality of medical products throughout the supply chain for prevention; detection and response of substandard and falsified medical products (SF); control of promotional, marketing and advertising activities including education and stakeholder relations.

Daphne also manages activities relating to narcotics and psychotropic substances, which involve manufacture, import, export, distribution, possession, destruction and use of narcotics and psychotropic. And reports to UN’s International Narcotics Control Board (INCB) in terms of the UN Conventions requirements. This includes supervision of activities relating to licensing and issuing of permits, medical and scientific cannabis and she also represents the organisation in this regard.

She’s a WHO assessor on Global Benchmarking tool (GBT) evaluating NRAs Regulatory Systems, WHO Africa Region focal persons for Substandard & Falsified medical products, SADC sub-region chair for WHO SFs, Leads the WHONAP SF Pilot IN RSA. Manages matters relating to Narcotics and Psychotropic substances, INCB representative on narcotics and psychotropic substances and member of CDA.

She actively participates in information sharing relating to pharmaceutical and medical products i.e. Education & awareness to the public and relevant stakeholders. Platforms include media platforms, conferences, webinars, meeting etc. on regulatory compliance for quality, safety and efficacy/performance.

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